Sunday, August 24, 2008

Live Without Shame

Live Without Shame

By Kimberly A. Brock {2008}

Some moments I've faced
Crying in my mind …"please, someone take my shameful place…"
I feel embarrassed… I feel so threatened
Times where I've felt like I'd never recover
When I was rejected or given the cold shoulder
Moments I thought I'd never get over
Feeling a sense of hopelessness… times
Where I wanted to just …
Asking God why (?)… Did my parents not want me? …And when my relatives took me in
They misused and abused my potential
I wear a smile now but a lot of people will never know what I've been through
No mother to show me how to be a grown woman…relatives who never took interested in me as a person, an individual, a life… valued
I pass through …these thoughts with a feeling of sadness
& anger
Because in my adulthood I'm writing these sad thoughts on a piece of paper
At 23 can I live now?
God, can you show me how to live with out the shame of my past?
Can you sustain my joy and allow it to last?
Each day I reflect on my life ..."Who does that?" Everyday I think of what I
can do better
What I can accomplish by myself and in your precious gift of Favor
What I wish for …"this or that"… hopefully, will happen!
Your word declares… "But my God (YOU) shall supply all your (MY) need (s)…"
So tell me please…
Why is this generation smoking, snorting and popping away their dreams?
Why are people so skeptical?... why is it so hard to believe?
Why do we find difficulty understanding the things we see…
as in… people not believing the price paid for our iniquities
and the consequences of defended sinful actions
the name of Jesus Christ gets a very eerie reaction & next to no satisfaction
in it's presentation
When people talk to me about God I think…He is the ease of my life
Jesus declared… "For my yoke is easy and my burden is light"
There is a Spirit among us that raises us up as eagles
Giving us mighty power in His presence and at the request made by the aroma of our prayers
He will surely devour His enemy and the enemy of His chosen people
As we seek You diligently for our reward of freedom and healing
You shall, by your Love, create in us a precious pearl
Illuminating the darkest hearts and minds
We shall walk mightly in your spirit and live totally with out shame and regret
Knowing you've SET for us a straight path of obedience and favor

as we believe and apply your Word!!

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